Letter to representation Concerning The Veterans Jobs Corps Act (S. 3457)

Submitted via PopVox


Concerning Sec. 7345. Revocation or Denial of Passport in Case of Tax Delinquencies, a recent GAO Study (GAO-11-272 Passport Issuance, March 2012) noted that the constitutional, policy and practical issues involved have not been carefully studied, and this must be done as a first step, before enactment of a measure which would have such extreme effects on U.S. citizens living overseas.

Received an automated response from Marco Rubio with another response promised.  No response to date.

International Address concerning Americans abroad

The following letter was submitted through Junior Senator Marco Rubio’s contact page.


Dear Junior Senator Marco Rubio,

I’m a Florida veteran and US citizen living abroad and I was wondering if your contact page could be modified so that Americans abroad can contact you using the address where they live?  You have an option for “Military Personnel” stationed outside of Florida, but what about Americans who live and work in other countries?



No response