Requesting letter of recommendation to renounce US citizenship from State House candidate Liz Alpert

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Dear Liz Alpert,

I’m a US citizen living abroad who is registered to vote in your district.

Currently, the following banks are refusing to refinance my mortgage simply because I am a US citizen, as a result of US policy:

Raiffeisen, Bank Coop, AXA Bank, Migros Bank, NAB, Valiant Bank AG, SwissLife, Hypothekarbank Lenzburg, Swissquote Bank, FinanzZentrum Jungfrau AG

I have contacted VA loans and the US Department of Housing on housing discrimination but was told that they don’t help American veterans living abroad.  HUD even deleted my complaint.

While it is understandable that the US government will not help Americans who do not live in America, it is not understandable that the US government pressures banks abroad to refuse to refinance the mortgages of American citizens.

I realize that you may feel that you are busy with your campaign in dealing with local issues, but campaigns are excellent opportunities to demonstrate that one recognizes everyone whom one is fighting to represent and that one is also willing, capable and active in fighting for their rights even prior to being elected.

As such, I am requesting from you a letter of recommendation that I renounce my US citizenship.  If you have any better suggestions, then let it be heard.




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