Letter to U.S. Senator Bill Nelson

Honorable Bill Nelson,

I’m a US veteran and middle class American citizen living abroad. I moved abroad over 10 years ago to find work and earn my own money instead of collecting unemployment checks or economy stimulus handouts from the US government.

This week, I learned that some local banks are refusing to refinance my mortgage as a direct result of US policy that you voted in favor of. The justification made by some local banks for their action is that I am a US person who is taxed by the US government. In the United States, such justifications are known as Housing Discrimination, given that they discriminate against Americans because of their national origin. Since you voted to approve US policy which led to such discrimination against American citizens, I would like to know what measures you have taken to approach the negative consequences of your action. Which US banks are now required by US law to refinance my Mortgage, under local conditions where I live abroad, when denied such for being a US person? Which US banks are required to provided me with a local checking account where I live if I am denied such services for being a US person? I’m confident that you voted on issues concerning Americans abroad with a good understanding of the consequences such would have on them, and thus I am looking forward to hearing from you about the many steps you have taken to work around the negative impact your actions are causing American citizens living abroad.


So far, I’ve received no response.  No response means that the Senator is delighted to force Housing Discrimination upon American citizens and has taken no action to counter the negative consequences of such.

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